Fabulous Fund Fair by amfAR and Naked Hearts Foundation
USA, New York October 2017
Fabulous Fund Fair by amfAR and Naked Hearts FoundationUSA, New YorkOctober 2017A special performance developed in creative consultation with Sleep No More (McKittrick Hotel, NY) and Jeff Koons as the art director. A mysterious and unforgettable immersive performance by Sleep No More, co-directed by Marina Glukhova (Laboratory ABC) and produced by Irina Paradnaya (IJ Group International), the guests could also seek their luck in a diverse range of games curated by the hostess Nataliya Vadyanova and chill their thrust with a cold glass of Dom Pérignon.
All proceeds from the event, around $2 million, were used to fund the charitable work of the Naked Hearts and amfAR foundations. All costs associated with the event were fully covered by the sponsors who took part in the fair; all artists, musicians and presenters performed free of charge.
Official alcohol partner of the event: Moët Hennessy.